Heb 11-13 - Reading
Heb 11-13 - Audio
Daily Insights - Please Comment
Chapter 11
The Jewish Christians (audience in Hebrews) had been discouraged, and were thinking of giving up on Jesus and Christianity. They needed a good testimony, and so they needed these examples of faith to break them out of their discouragement. What separated Abraham, Isaac, Moses, and other "biblical heroes" from others (see v3, and the keyword throughout the chapter)? In what ways can we increase this trait in our lives?
Chapter 12
We see the picture of "being in a race" many times throughout the Text. In this chapter we see that within this race we should expect suffering on behalf of Christ, and that God may even allow some of it in order to change us into the person He desires us to be (like a good father). We are called to be changed into the image of Christ, to be holy. How have you felt disciplined in your life? Have you seen personal growth on the other side of it?
"Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. "Make level paths for your feet," so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed. Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord."
Chapter 13
In v14 we see that the current cities we are in are not enduring, but we are to look toward the city that is to come. We are told what "looking forward to this new city" means for Christ followers throughout the Text, but specifically throughout this entire chapter. It is a counter-cultural world where we love, serve, and seek justice for others. Everything we are handed is placed in God's possession. As Larry Doornbos once famously said: "The cross is the standard of our sacrifice, not 10%." At the cross Jesus emptied Himself out of love, in order to serve mankind. It is our duty and call to become holy (separated) people that seek to live within God's Story.
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